No better way to kickstart the weekends

For me, weekend breakfasts mark the end of a long hectic week.  Everything starts to slow down,  my mood is almost always cheery and it’s finally time to take things nice and easy. This weekend, it occurred to me that one of the good things about living in Singapore is that you can pretty much get any kind of food, any time of the day.  And when it comes to weekend breakfasts, we’re spoilt for choice.  No wonder Singaporeans living overseas always say they miss the food the most.

I love the markets during the weekends.  It’s bustling, noisy and the sight of children eating breakfast in their pajamas make me smile.  The smell of chwee kueh and black carrot cake always gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.  It brings back memories of my dad buying breakfast home during the weekends for us. It’s the smell of someone loving you enough to wake up early to go down to the market to get breakfast just so you can sleep in.

. Breakfast @ the market .

With a long day of errands to run, we were up at 7 this morning and headed down to Simply Bread for a breakfast a little less local.  There’s something about a gloriously sunny day, the smell of freshly baked bread, sipping a latte, munching on a warm sticky bun and reading the Sunday Times that makes me very very happy indeed.  Ooh, did I mention how much I love the corn cheese potato rolls?  Ah, the simple joys in life …

. Breakfast @ Simply Bread (Guthrie House) .